Rise In Domestic Abuse Cases During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 crisis has led to movement restriction throughout the world in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus. However, it has been observed that this crisis has increased the frequency of violence at homes. Domestic violence at homes has become more severe and more dangerous. Since the lockdown, most of the illegal activities such as murders, rapes, and violent crimes, etc. have plummeted. However, you can see a toll in domestic violence – a crime committed in private, in people’s homes—would become more, not less, frequent. Those fears appear to have been borne out. What you can do? If you are experiencing violence and your home is not a safe place for you, reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors for support. You can also look out for local services such as counselors and shelters. Some other things you might need to do if in case the violence against you or your children escalates. Keep a few essential items such as pho...