
Showing posts from January, 2022

What Ways My Lawyer Can Defend My Rights in my Sex Crimes Case?

When arrested for a sex crime charge, you have the same rights as any other criminal defendant, but the stigma surrounding it makes everything an uphill task. That's the reason Eric Thole, attorneyat law , advises you to have an aggressive, skilled criminal defense lawyer defending your case.   On papers, even though the law states 'innocent until proven guilty, ' but in reality, when charged in sex crime cases, the police, the prosecutor, and the judge treat you like a criminal. Eric Thole recommends having a qualified and experienced defense attorney by your side to have a better opportunity for a fair trial and a positive outcome. Your Rights Under the US Constitution As A Criminal Defendant ●      4th-Amendment - The Right to be Free of Unreasonable Searches & Seizures The police must have a warrant to enter your house, search your place, and collect evidence. It also means the police need the warrant to arrest you unless they have witnessed you committin

What are My Options Or Defense Against an Alcohol Crime?

Even though alcohol is legal, many people under and over 21 often encounter unexpected criminal charges connected to alcohol. Eric Thole, attorney at law , advise not to take alcohol crime charge lightly. It can result in significant complications with a Class B or Class C misdemeanor, fines up to $1,000, creation of a permanent criminal record, and occasional jail time (60 to 180 days depending upon the type of alcohol crime charges.) Consequences of an Alcohol-related Crime Regardless of your age, if charged with an alcohol crime, do not take it lightly and hire a defense attorney immediately. Eric Thole highlights some of its lasting impacts,   ●       Long and inconvenient probation term ●       Requirement of undergoing substance abuse treatment ●       Suspension of driving privileges ●       Mandatory community service ●       Payment of costly fines and court fees ●       Possible juvenile detention or jail time ●       Held for civil liabilities for any r