
Showing posts from June, 2021

Hire a Criminal Defense Attorney to Overcome Your Domestic Violence Charge

Sometimes arguments between intimate partners can go off the track. It causes one to accuse the other of domestic violence. Husbands, wives, girlfriends, or boyfriends can file such charges. Eric Thole attorney at law advises, if you have any of these charges slapped, hire a criminal defense attorney immediately. What is Domestic Violence? It is a violent act committed against a person you have relations with, like a spouse, a relative, or a dating or sexual partner. Stalking, battery, assault, rape, kidnapping, or false imprisonment, all such crimes can be part of it. If found guilty, the punishment can include jail time (in case of injuries) or penalties. In some instances, the court can also sentence for counseling (based on the case facts). Why Do You Need To Hire A Criminal Defense Attorney To Overcome Your Domestic Violence Charge? Eric Thole highlights a crucial fact -   The outcome of each domestic violence charge varies on the situation. It depends on how an attorney

Terroristic Threat Cases - Eric Thole Attorney at Law

Whether it is from some foreign national with a vendetta against the US government or a radical group within the country, terroristic threats lead to serious charges. Eric Thole attorney at law highlights, even though freedom of speech is a constitutionally protected right, it does not provide blanket protection for all possible instances, manner, and speech. Most US states have anti-terrorism laws and procedures. Further, federal law also forbids terrorism and terroristic threats. Eric Thole emphasis people understand what it means by the act of terrorism and terroristic threat.  What is Terrorism? According to Federal Law 18 US Code, Chapter 113B, terrorism is defined as acts or attempted acts of violence with the intention to ●      Intimidate or coerce a civilian populace ●      Influence the policy of a government by intimidating or coercing; ●      Seize the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping A crime committed with the intende