4 Common Defenses in Assault and Aggravated Assault Charges

Before we dive into understanding common defenses in assault and aggravated assault charges, Eric Thole, attorney at law, advises understanding the difference between the two. Their charges can be quite serious and may result in harsh consequences like fines to a long prison term. Eric Thole states the difference between assault and aggravated assault charges with simple words - one being a misdemeanor and the other a felony. Simple Assault It is an act of intentionally causing bodily harm, attempting to inflict bodily harm, or acting in a way that causes fear of bodily harm to another person like ● slapping ● pushing or shoving ● raising a clenched fist ● making verbal threats of injury ● applying physical force ● hitting with an object that might inflict injury Aggravated Assault It is an act with the intent to caus...