Everything about White Collar Crimes

White collar crimes are the crimes that are committed for financial gains. Some of the white collar crimes are corporate fraud and money, securities fraud, money laundering, embezzlement, election law violations, and more. These crimes are usually investigated by the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD).  

White collar crimes are not considered violent crimes, however, these crimes can destroy many people lives. 

Charges for White Collar Crimes

White collar crime investigations are long and complicated. There usually are grand jury inquiries. If you’re charged with various white collar crimes, make sure that you don’t participate in an interview or provide any testimony without consulting with your attorney. Your attorney will make sure that you don’t get transformed from witness to defendant.
The gamut of white collar crimes varies widely and so the penalties vary widely as well. Some punitive outcomes for white collar crime convictions include:
  • Probation;
  • Fines;
  • Community Service;
  • Restitution;
  • Property Forfeiture; and
  • Imprisonment.
As the trial of these crimes becomes more common, fines and the length of sentences imposed become greater. Fines for white collar crimes may vary from tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Are You Under Investigation For White Collar Crime?

Most of the people believe that Wall Street investment brokers and high-profile corporate executives commit White Collar crimes. However, anyone with access to individual or corporate financial records can do such crimes or could be held accountable for these crimes.
If you or someone of you has become the target of a financial fraud investigation or charged with a white collar crime, Mr. Eric Thole Law attorney can help. He served Washington County for eight years as a criminal prosecutor. He is well regarded for his honest and dedicated criminal representation.


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