Eric Thole – Best Attorney To Handle Drug Cases in Minnesota

The legalization of drugs in the states is a serious threat. People arrested for possession or use can vary as per the amount of drugs in possession. The fact is that once you get arrested for illegal possession of drugs, the chances of you facing jail time is high. Moreover, you have to cough up heavy fines and get a bad reputation on your personal profile. Some of the other punishments you might need to face are:
·     You may face up to 30 years of imprisonment – if you’re found guilty
·    If you’re a pharmacist, or a physician, or a nurse, and found guilty for selling or possessing prescription drugs illegally, you may lose your medical license and your job

·    If you get convicted of the charges placed on you you’ll lose all your civil liberties, even after you’ve served your sentence in the prison. Mr. Eric Thole can help you to handle your drug case in Minnesota. He is a seasoned lawyer, widely popular for his aggressive stance in the courtroom to get justice for his clients.He is specialized in handling drug cases such as possession, conspiracy, possession with intent to sell, and federal crimes such as drug trafficking. Many people recommend him due to his ability to create a strong defense for prescription drug fraud cases.

So, if you have been arrested for drug possession or use, you need to contact your lawyer immediately. A specialist like EricThole attorney at law, would be a perfect choice if you are looking for the best drug crimes lawyer in Stillwater, Minnesota.
He can convince the prosecution and judge that you’re willing to take extra steps and cooperate. He can help you join drug treatment programs and ensure that your civil liberties are not affected due to drug fraud case.  
If you’re found guilty with drug fraud charges, contact Mr. Eric Thole today. You can contact him in his office at 651-300-7389. The initial consultation is free of cost!


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