Reckless Driving Assault In The US

Reckless driving is a mental state in which the driver disregards rules of the road; the driver misjudges common driving procedures, often causing wrecks, accidents and other damages. 
Reckless driving is a serious offense in the US. It is more serious in comparison to improper driver, careless driving, improper driving, or driving inattentively. Violating driving rules is punishable by fines, imprisonment, or driver's license suspension or revocation. 

Penalties for reckless driving

The penalties for reckless driving can include the following

  • A fine of up to $2,500
  • Driving license suspension for 6 months
  • A maximum of one year in jail 
  • Six demerit points

What you should do?

If you or your child has been charged with DUI, contact Thole Law Firm immediately. At the Thole Law Office, you can find a team of most experienced lawyers who can help you with serious criminal charges. They’ll put their experiences to work to protect your rights and future.
The Washington County DUI defense attorneys will take immediate action to defend your rights against drunk driving charges, legally called operating under the influence or operating while intoxicated (OUI/OWI) in Minnesota. 
They will examine all evidence in your case to determine if:

  • Police stopped you for the probable cause or not
  • The sobriety test conducted there was executed properly or not
  • The Breathalyzer (if you took it) was properly calibrated at the time you took it

All of these factors are really important to measure as they can help in reducing or dismissing your charges. You can trust their experience and agility in handling your case effectively. You can contact them any time by calling 651-300-7389 and get a free initial consultation.


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