Mr. Eric Thole – Best Drug Crimes Lawyer in Minnesota

Yes, it’s true that drugs are legal in some states of the US but drug-related crimes still pose a serious threat. The charges for drug related crimes can vary as per the amount of drugs in possession. The fact is that once you get arrested for illegal possession of drugs, the chances of you facing jail time is high. Moreover, you have to cough up heavy fines and get a bad reputation on your personal profile. So, if you have been arrested for drug possession or use, you need to contact your lawyer immediately.

Who can help you?

A specialist like Eric Thole attorney at law would be a perfect choice if you are looking for the best drug crimes lawyer in Stillwater, Minnesota. He is specialized in handling drug cases such as conspiracy, possession, possession with intent to sell, and federal crimes such as drug trafficking.
His firm, the Thole Law firm will start defending you the second you reach them. Before the initial court hearing, he takes proactive steps to show prosecutors that his client is serious about changing his behavior and overcoming his legal issues. He can also recommend his client to enroll in drug treatment programs. This willingness to change and cooperate often results in lowered or dismissed charges.

We thoroughly investigate the events leading up to your arrest to ensure your constitutional rights weren't violated. If police failed to read you your Miranda rights or unlawfully searched your home, we will fight to have your case thrown out.

If you or your child has been charged with drug possession, you should call drug possession attorney Mr. Eric Thole at 651-300-7389 for a free initial consultation.


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