What You Can Do For Gun Related Crime Charges In Minnesota?

The gun laws in Minnesota are pretty strict. You must be aware of them if anyone you know or you have been charged with a gun related crimes in Stillwater.
It is a minimum 15 years of jail time as well as a hefty fine. If you want to avoid ending up in jail for possessing a gun with a permit or any other gun related crime, you must contact a criminal defense attorney as soon as possible.

Looking for Criminal Defense Attorney?

If you’re looking for a veteran criminal defense lawyer, Mr. Eric Thole can help you protect your rights, record and freedom.

At Thole Law Firm, Mr. Eric Thole attorney at law is a veteran in handling cases like these. His aggressive stance in the courtroom to fight for the rights of his client is well known in Stillwater.
His law firm specialized in handling the following types of gun-related offenses:

  • Gun possession without a license
  • Reckless handling of a guns 
  • Possessing or selling a gun silencer
  • Offering  a gun to an underage person without parental consent
  • Caught with a gun on school property
  • Haphazardly keeping a firearm
  • Removing or changing the serial numbers on a firearm

Don’t forget that possessing a gun in Minnesota unlawfully can land you in big trouble. It is charged as a felony and if you get convicted, you’re looking at least 15 years in prison along with $30,000 in fine.
Get a strong legal representation for any gun-related crime charges immediately. Contact Thole Law Firm at 651-300-7389 for a free initial consultation today!


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