The Best Attorney Against Internet Sex Crime Charges

In Stillwater, Minnesota if you get charged with an online sex crime, the consequences are serious including jail time and hefty fines. To counter such serious charges, you need an effective defense strategy. This means you need an experienced attorney who has the capability to counter your charges. 

What are Internet Sex crimes?

These are the sex crimes that are done through the use of the internet. 
  •  Possession of child pornography
  •  Online solicitation of a minor
  •  Sexting
Both state and federal judicial systems can put you on trial for internet sex crimes. If found guilty, conviction can lead to heavy penalties including registration as a sex offender and mandatory minimum prison sentences. To overcome such internet sex crime charges you need the best defense. Eric Thole understands the evidence and knows how to present arguments to reveal your strongest case. He has immense knowledge of the criminal justice system that you need to get out of a serious mess like this. 

Eric Thole is a seasoned lawyer with experience as former Washington County prosecutor and Stillwater city attorney. He is known for his aggressive courtroom persona. His firm can help you build a strong and effective defense against Internet sex crimes and help you move forward with your life. 

Protect your civil rights

When you become the center of investigation for an internet related sex crime, your life can turn upside down. You need to get lawyered up as soon as investigations start. The early you involve a lawyer, the better the chances of a good outcome. Eric Thole and his firm believe in protecting the civil rights of a person. Getting registered as a sex offender can ruin your chances of a normal future. So, contact Attorney Eric Thole today! Call 651-300-7389 for a free consultation.


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