Trusted Defense Lawyer For White Collar Crimes

White-collar crimes are usually perceived as less serious by most of the people but those who get charged with a white-collar crime can face hefty penalties such as jail time, costly fines, and multiple years of probation. 

White-collar criminals can be anyone from Wall Street executives, rich corporate CEOs to anyone who handle large amount of money or confidential data. 

Charges for White Collar Crimes

White collar crime investigations are long and complicated. There usually are grand jury inquiries. If you’re charged with white collar crime, make sure that you don’t participate in an interview or provide any testimony without consulting with your attorney. Your attorney will make sure that you don’t get transformed from witness to defendant. 

The gamut of white collar crimes varies widely and so the penalties vary widely as well. Some punitive outcomes for white collar crime convictions include: 
  • Probation;
  • Fines;
  • Community Service;
  • Restitution;
  • Property Forfeiture; and
  • Imprisonment.
As the trial of these crimes becomes more common, fines and the length of sentences imposed become greater. Fines for white collar crimes may vary from tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars. 

Mr. Eric Thole - Attorney at law, clearly knows that many people get the victim of certain circumstances and stressful situations. Some crimes happen due to unpredictable circumstances. 

If you or anyone you know are a victim of white collar crime, you really need a highly experienced white collar attorney. In this case, an educated lawyer like Eric Thole is the right person to approach. He is widely experienced in handling white-collar crimes and has taken cases for numerous people throughout Minnesota. 

Need to contact him for serious assaults? You can make a call at Thole Law Firm for a free initial consultation.


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