How To Get Free From Drug Crime Charges In Minnesota

A drug charge should never be taken lightly by anyone. It can haunt an individual for the rest of life. 

An individual with drug conviction charges may experience difficulty in getting a job or obtaining financial aid for college. Moreover, a drug conviction will also result in a driver license suspension for 6 months and could be facing up to 6 months of imprisonment. Moreover, an individual accused of possessing Class B drugs, you might end up with 99 years or life imprisonment. 

Most of the times, people get accused of drugs that didn’t even belong to them or they had no idea that they’re carrying drugs with them. When this occurs, you need a good lawyer like Eric Thole attorney at law who has experience in such type of cases, knows the law and can provide the best defense possible to protect your rights and freedom. 

When it comes to drug crimes - drug cases are based on the laws rather than facts. In the drug possession case, the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution protects citizens from unlawful search and seizure. 

Even if drugs are found in your home or around you, doesn’t mean that you’re guilty. The first thing is that the police can’t search you or your home unless they have your permission, received a warrant, see the drugs in plain view, or have some other lawful reason. 

The drugs will not be taken as evidence against you if the police do not follow the proper legal search procedures. In this case, the Government will not be able to prove you guilty. In addition to it, US laws need proper reasons from the police to conduct a traffic stop. If the police officer did not have a valid reason to stop you, drugs found during that stop cannot be used as evidence against you. 

What if you get charged for drugs possession? 

However, if you get charged for drug possession, you can contact attorney Eric Thole. In this case, you need a solid defense to represent your case in court. Mr. Eric Thole is a seasoned criminal defense lawyer. He can help you build a solid criminal defense against assault charges, and protect your rights, freedom, and future. 


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