Why Choose Eric Thole For Domestic Violence Charges

You must be aware that domestic violence charges can ruin your reputation and your relationships with your friends and family. It can also taint your social standing and if you get evicted, you might go jail to serve your punishment along with steep fines. 

Ensure not to take your domestic violence charges in your hand, instead, get in touch with Eric Thole Attorney at law. 

What are domestic violence charges? 

It’s a violent interaction between family members, spouses, or anyone sharing a residence. A victim in violent interaction can file a domestic violence charge against the other. Depending on the severity of the allegations, domestic violence can be considered as a misdemeanor charge or a felony assault level offense. 

Eric Thole for domestic violence charges 

If you get convicted of domestic violence charges these things can happen with you: 
  • You can lose your reputation, job, and social standing. 
  • You may have to pay hefty fines and spend some months or years in jail. 
So make sure take these charges seriously as if you get evicted, you’ll end up with nothing. Don’t take any chance and contact Eric Thole for domestic violence charges. He and his team provide smart, strategic criminal defense representation to individuals throughout Washington County. He with his smart strategies gives you the edge you need against the prosecution's case. He works closely with his clients as well as prosecution to have his clients charged dismissed or reduced. He ensures to show the prosecution that his clients are ready to take certain steps to overcome their anger issues. As he completely understands the inner workings of the criminal justice system, this allows him to find the best possible resolution for your case. 

Get in touch with Eric Thole Attorney at Law today for domestic violence-related charges filed against you or any other family member of yours. Call 651-300-7389 for a free consultation.


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