What are the Common Types of Medicare Fraud and Abuse?

Medicare fraud is one of the biggest crimes in America. Each year, it costs approximately $60 billion to taxpayers.
Medicare frauds are related to health care frauds. It is about making false claims to insurance or healthcare agencies to obtain a Federal health care payment for which no entitlement would otherwise exist.
Some of the most common examples of Medicare Fraud are:
  • Phantom Billing – It’s about billing tests or services for employees who don’t exist
  • Double Billing – Double billing means charging twice for the same service
  • Pharmaceutical fraud – It’s making use of off-label marketing, kickbacks, price-fixing, and other schemes to increase profits from Medicare payments
  • Lack of Medical Necessity – It includes billing for services or procedures that are not medically necessary
  • Upcoding and Unbundling – inflating bills by using Current Procedural Terminology ("CPT") billing codes or using two or more CPT codes where Medicare requires bundling of such claims together

Proving Medicare fraud for whistleblowers is highly technical.

What to do if you get charged with Medicare Fraud?

Medicare fraud is a serious offense and if you get charged with it, you might lose everything – it includes your job, your respect, and your family, etc. If you get charged with any medical fraud, we recommend you contact Eric Thole's attorney at law. Eric Thole is a reputable attorney who has been handling such cases for over 20 years. He very well knows what works and what isn’t in such a case. He builds a strong case that prosecution can’t ignore.
He knows the steps that your prosecutors will take and makes proactive moves to protect your rights. As a respected member of the local legal community, Mr.Thole has developed long-standing working relationships with prosecutors throughout Washington County and Minnesota.
Need help with Medicare Fraud charges, consult EricThole at 651-300-7389. Your first consultation will be free. 


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