What Does a Criminal Record Affect?

You have a criminal record and wondering how it can affect your life? In this article, we will help you know how a criminal record can affect the following areas in your life: 
  • Insurance
  • Work
  • Visa issues, etc.
Having a criminal record under the age of 18 can ruin your chances of getting any future jobs, volunteering opportunities or higher education courses you might apply for. 


Negative impact on your work opportunities

Your employer can put you at a disadvantage or refuse to hire you because of your criminal record if 
  • the crime you were found guilty of has no relation with the job
  • your criminal record got suspended
Your employer can also ask you for a certificate of good conduct before hiring you. Your criminal past should not appear on this document if you got a 
  • suspension of your criminal record (pardon), or 
  • A discharge and a specific amount of time has passed.

Landlords can refuse to rent their home

When it comes to rental housing, there is no US law that can protect a person with a criminal record against discrimination. So, a landlord can refuse to rent you an apartment if you have a criminal record. 
Insurers can refuse to insure people with criminal records.

An insurer can refuse to insure you if you have a criminal record. If a criminal record is an important factor while applying for insurance, you might need to pay more for your insurance or you get less coverage. Make sure to tell your insurer about your criminal record, otherwise, your insurer can cancel your insurance and even refuse to pay if you make a claim. Even after you get insurance, you must still tell your insurer about your criminal record while the policy lasts.  

The chances of traveling another country reduces for a personal with criminal record

Every country has different rules about who can enter their premises. Some countries don’t allow people with criminal records to enter their country. So if you’re planning to travel somewhere, make sure to ask travel consultancy about the traveling rules. 

What to do if you get convicted of any criminal record?

We know some situations force people to take bad decisions but this doesn’t mean they’re bad. If you don’t want that your one bad choice should ruin your life, we recommend you to contact Eric Thole attorney at law. Mr. Eric Thole and his team of attorneys provide smart, strategic criminal defense representation to individuals throughout Washington County. 

Consult Eric Thole attorney at law now! 


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