Can you challenge radar gun evidence in court?

Well, we all know this feeling – driving on a clear highway and we don’t even feel that we’ve crossed the over speed limit. Huh…! Unfortunately, you fail to notice the law enforcement officer aiming his radar gun directly at you and you get a speeding ticket.

What to do now? Should you just pay for your ticket or challenge your alleged traffic offense?

Well… do you know?

You can challenge your speed ticket in court. This is because radar guns always don’t give accurate results. However, you always need a reliable attorney who can help you protect your rights. Before knowing which and how an attorney can help you, let’s discuss about the radar gun.

A radar gun is a sensitive device that helps enforcement officers to monitor your vehicle speed. Just like any other sensitive device, radar guns also need regular calibration. The radar gun needs tuning prior usage and too rigorous one. So if the gun was not tuned properly, the chances are it will not show proper results. So if you ever get a speed ticket, your attorney can challenge it. However, your attorney and you must find out when the speed gun tuned concerning when you’re caught for speeding.

Which attorney can help you?

You always need a better lawyer at your side as a wrong ticket can result in losing your driving license for 1-2 years or heavy fines. The punishment is worse if you’re drunk driving and over speeding. You can end up in jail for 30 days.

You can reach out to Eric Thole’s attorney at law. Eric Thole is one of the most reliable attorneys in Washington. As a former prosecutor for Washington County, attorney Eric Thole knows all the prosecutors who can handle your case. He is well respected for his honest, ethical, and dedicated representation. He is always fully prepared to defend your rights in court and you can trust his experience and agility in handling such cases.

You can contact Eric Thole at any time by calling 651-300-7389. Initial consultation free!


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