How to Fight Drug Possession Charges?

Every year, thousands of people get arrested due to drug possession charges in the US. Many of these charges relate to carrying minimal amounts of controlled substances in the car or keeping home. The drug possession cases make an enormous percentage of the criminal court dockets of every state. The defense of a person charged with controlled substance possession is often tricky but not impossible.

If you or any of your family person is charged with controlled substance possession, it’s recommended hiring a reputable lawyer, like Eric Thole, to fight your case.

The Penalties for Drug Possession in Minnesota

For an enormous amount of drug possession or distribution, your felony charges can be huge, including:

·         Fine up to $25,000

·         A prison term of up to four years

If the drug possession or distribution is related to marijuana, your charges can be:

·         Fine of up to $1,000,

·         An incarceration term of up to one year, or both.

If marijuana possession is less than 10 grams, you’re punishable and need to pay a fine of not more than $100.

Contact Eric Thole Attorney at law

If you get convicted of a drug crime, whether for drug possession or drug distribution, you’ll get sentenced with some incarceration time and a hefty fine. These accusations can have a lasting impact on your life. The best way to defend yourself against charges and exercise your Constitutional rights is to hire a legal, reputable Eric Thole Attorney At Law as soon as possible after being charged or becoming aware that you are under investigation. He can guide you throughout your case and will do best to free you from all your charges. 

 Contact Eric Thole (Stillwater criminal defense lawyer) for smart and highly experienced legal representation. You can contact him at his office at 651-300-7389 for a free initial consultation.



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