Domestic Abuse Cases Increase During The COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced everyone to stay home to reduce the spread of the virus. As people are staying home, the risk of domestic abuse cases has risen throughout the world. These times are stressful, and perpetrators are taking out their stress and anger on their partners.

Domestic victims find themselves isolated in violent homes, where they don’t have access to their family and friends who can help them.

Since the lockdown, you must have observed the decrease in almost every illegal activity, including rapes, murders, and other violent crimes. However, there is a toll in domestic violence cases. People are not feeling safe in their comfort zone, and some are afraid of saying it aloud.

What can you do?

We know things are pretty rough at this time. If you’re a domestic abuse victim, contact your friends and family, who can help you during these times. You can also contact the police or local services for your help.

If you are experiencing violence and your home is not a safe place for you, reach out to your family, friends, and neighbors for support. You can also look out for local services such as counselors and shelters.

Some other things you might need to do if in case the violence against you or your children escalates.

· Keep a few essential items such as phone, ID proof, clothes, and medicines handy.

· Identify a place where you can go immediately to keep yourself and your kids safe.

· Have a plan to reach that place safely.

Lastly, you can contact the police and domestic violence attorney to fight for your rights.

What if you wrongly get accused of domestic violence?

If your partner accuses you of domestic violence charges, you need to take these charges seriously and find an attorney who can help you with your case. You should know – you might not be able to see your kids during the proceeding. And if you’re charged guilty, you will face harsh penalties, including steep fines and a possible jail sentence. You can also face embarrassment as well as public scrutiny. The chances are you might even lose your job. You will be stripped of your right to vote or own a firearm if you get convicted of a felony-level offense.

To avoid such a situation, you contact Eric Thole, attorney at law, to fight your case. Thole Law firm attorneys investigate all the possible circumstances of alleged violence. They also ensure that your constitutional rights aren’t violated and helps you to get your charges dropped.

Get in touch with Eric Thole at 651-300-7389 today!


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