Consequences you Have to Face for Drug Crimes

After drunk driving, drug charges are the most common charges people face in the US. According to Eric Thole attorney at law, the best way to end drug-related legal consequences is to get professional addiction treatment. But, economic conditions and personal weakness often pushes people on the path of drug crime.

As per Federal Durg Laws, if you possess, use, or distribute illegal drugs like marijuana, heroin, cocaine, or other controlled substances, it is a drug crime. When caught, it can lead to serious legal trouble along with jail time. The severity of your sentences depends upon

● The nature and amount of the drugs
● Prior criminal record
● The crime resulting in injuries or death

Consequences That You Have to Face in Drug Crime

#1 If you are caught and convicted of a drug-related crime, it ends up with a permanent criminal record in the system.

#2 Based on the severity of the crime (using, dealing, or intending to deal drugs), the jail time can range from imprisonment for a year to a lifetime.

#3 Jail time means it takes away your freedom and impacts your future opportunities. It also implies disruption in family life, leading to divorce, custody battles, etc.

#4 Drug crime conviction on your record is a red flag for many employers. It can cause difficulties like getting a job, buying a house, or registering to vote.

#5 It can also become a financial burden. The State Laws can impose hefty fines adding up to thousands of dollars.

Eric Thole says when you face charges in drug crime, ask yourself what you want to achieve.

● Do you want to have your day in court to be proven innocent?
● Do you want time outside of prison?

Depending on your choice, find the right attorney - a private attorney, drug crimes lawyer, or a public (Legal Aid) lawyer.

It can make all the difference!

Most Legal Aid lawyers are excellent drug crime lawyers, but they are over-loaded. Private attornies are a better choice as they have fewer cases and more incentives to make things happen.

Here are some advice Eric Thole, attorney at law, presents to you

#1 Try to understand your drug charges. When you grasp the severity of your case, it helps you find the right attorney.

#2 If you choose court route - Go with private attorneys with more courtroom experiences or drug crime lawyers who can dig out incidents of police misconduct and areas of suppressing evidence due to 4th Amendment violations.

#3 If you choose outside prison route (with/without cooperating terms in future drug crimes), go with experienced drug crime lawyers who can negotiate with the State or Feds for compromise by reducing the charges and/or sentence or concluding your case with probation.

#4 While searching for lawyers, use legal libraries, review sites, or call attorneys offering free consultations.


Eric Thole believes a professional drug crime lawyer would always stand to work with you. Further, go with the one who can assist you with better understanding your case from both sides.


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