White Collar Crime Defense Attorney in Stillwater

Are you looking for White Collar Crime Defense Attorney in Stillwater? Eric Thole Attorney at law is the right place for you!

White collar crimes are not always committed by the Wall-street and corporate type of people. It can be committed by anyone with access to the company’s confidential or financial information. It is very common and any person who handles the company’s finances can be held accountable if the data doesn’t tally.

If you or anybody you know is charged with financial fraud or any other white collar crime, you can contact us now!

Eric Thole attorney at law can help your firm overcome any white collar crime charges with Mr. Eric Thole, the chief lawyer at Thole law firm. At our firm, we conduct an in-depth analysis of your case and create a detail-oriented, rock-solid criminal defense. Mr. EricThole is trusted widely throughout the St. Croix River valley in both Wisconsin and Minnesota due to his vast success rate and experience in these types of cases.

We help clients to defend their rights against white collar crimes. These include:

·         Forgery

·         Petty theft

·         Health care fraud

·         Identity theft

·         Credit card fraud

·         Tax evasion

·         Check or bank fraud

·         Employee theft

·         Embezzlement

Other financial fraud

So, if you are under investigation for any of the white collar crimes, or have charges filed against you, get in touch with us right away. We will take quick steps to protect your rights. We deal sternly with cases and prepare it thoroughly in case it goes to trial. We ensure to explore all the options and build an effective criminal defense for your case. We also take steps that help to make sure that a case like this won’t affect your reputation and future.

Protect your freedom, your record and your future. Contact the Stillwater, Minnesota, criminal defense lawyer at the Thole Law Firm. Call 651-300-7389 or visit us at https://www.tholelaw.com/



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