What are My Options Or Defense Against an Alcohol Crime?

Even though alcohol is legal, many people under and over 21 often encounter unexpected criminal charges connected to alcohol. Eric Thole, attorney at law, advise not to take alcohol crime charge lightly. It can result in significant complications with a Class B or Class C misdemeanor, fines up to $1,000, creation of a permanent criminal record, and occasional jail time (60 to 180 days depending upon the type of alcohol crime charges.)

Consequences of an Alcohol-related Crime

Regardless of your age, if charged with an alcohol crime, do not take it lightly and hire a defense attorney immediately. Eric Thole highlights some of its lasting impacts,


      Long and inconvenient probation term

      Requirement of undergoing substance abuse treatment

      Suspension of driving privileges

      Mandatory community service

      Payment of costly fines and court fees

      Possible juvenile detention or jail time

      Held for civil liabilities for any resulting damages or injuries

      Permanent criminal record, limiting future opportunities

Types of Alcohol Crimes


      Public Intoxication

      Minor in Possession & Underage Drinking

      Sales to Minors

      False ID Charges

      Open Container Law

      OWI also referred to as DUI, OVWI, or OWVI

      Disorderly Conduct

Your Options/Defense Strategies Against Alcohol Crimes

Eric Thole, attorney at law, understands the stress and uncertainty entangled with alcohol crimes. Here they state some of your options/defense strategies that can put you in a much better position.


1) Dismissal the charges

When facing any alcohol-related offense, EricThole advises you to remain calm. Discuss your case in detail with an experienced alcohol crimes lawyer. Talk about your background and circumstances leading to the situation. Your attorney can use it to show the court to drop charges by proving your actions or behavior were not due to alcohol but a cause of something else, like

       side effects of a prescribed medication

       a pre-existing medical condition

      a strenuous set of circumstances

2Violation of your rights or the arresting officers exceeded their authority 

Your attorney can use a violation of your rights or application of excessive police force as a defense strategy for the case. They can use it as leverage towards the suppression of critical evidence or gain some other favorable result like a reduction in charges, a dismissal, or less severe penalties.

3) When found guilty, ask for alternative punishments

Your criminal defense attorney can use the information on your previous record and the specific facts surrounding your case to convince the court for alternative punishment. If the court finds you guilty and a first-time offender, your defense attorney can ask for the pretrial diversion program to avoid a criminal conviction.

Such programs mainly include community service, paying fees, and participation in an educational course (aiming at curtailing risky behaviors.) Based on the successful completion of the program requirement, your attorney can appeal to prosecutors to dismiss the charges against you.


Eric Thole, attorney at law, recommends working with alcohol crime attornies when changed with an alcohol crime. They can help you improve your stand in the court and provide you with a much better chance of presenting your case. Eric Thole also emphasizes the importance of hiring a qualified attorney for your case. Only experienced criminal lawyers can point out any mistakes or oversights made by law enforcement and provide a strong defense.



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