What Ways My Lawyer Can Defend My Rights in my Sex Crimes Case?

When arrested for a sex crime charge, you have the same rights as any other criminal defendant, but the stigma surrounding it makes everything an uphill task. That's the reason Eric Thole, attorneyat law, advises you to have an aggressive, skilled criminal defense lawyer defending your case.


On papers, even though the law states 'innocent until proven guilty,' but in reality, when charged in sex crime cases, the police, the prosecutor, and the judge treat you like a criminal. Eric Thole recommends having a qualified and experienced defense attorney by your side to have a better opportunity for a fair trial and a positive outcome.

Your Rights Under the US Constitution As A Criminal Defendant

     4th-Amendment - The Right to be Free of Unreasonable Searches & Seizures

The police must have a warrant to enter your house, search your place, and collect evidence. It also means the police need the warrant to arrest you unless they have witnessed you committing the crime.

     5th-Amendment - The Right to Refuse Responding to Questions Asked by Police or Prosecutor at Any Stage of Investigation/Prosecution Process

There can be situations where the police can trick you into answering their questions. The right protects you from giving self-incriminating answers. Eric Thole states the 5th-Amendment as the safest way to decline politely to the officials to share any information about the case.

     6th-Amendment - The Right to a Legal Counsel and The Right to Trial by Jury 

It gives you the right to have a lawyer who confronts the prosecutions' witnesses and gets witnesses to testify on your behalf. It also allows you to have an impartial jury to decide on the fate of your case instead of the judge alone. The jury gets information on the nature of the crime and the cause of all accusations against you.

Ways Your Lawyer Defends Your Rights In the Sex Crime Case

Eric Thole, attorney at law, advises when charged in a sex crime case, do not plead guilty and hire a criminal defense lawyer without any delay. They defend your rights through various ways

     Acquiring all the incriminating evidence collected against you during the discovery stage from the prosecutor

Your lawyer ensures gathering all evidence acquired in the discovery stage of the case, like a list of witnesses, police reports, and statements from witnesses and the alleged victim from the procecutor. It helps your lawyer to strategize your defense in the sex crime case.

     Sifting, analyzing, and understanding all the documents of the case

Your lawyer scans through all the evidence documents and analysis it. Eric Thole highlights the value of a skilled defense lawyer in a sex crime charge as only he can determine whether your case requires an interview under oath or depose any witness of the prosecution before the trial.

     Filing a pre-motion to suppress or remove evidence from the prosecution's case

If your lawyer finds any evidence collected in violation of your US constitutional rights, he files for a pre-motion. In it, he asks the court to suppress or remove that evidence from the prosecutor's list and obtain dismissal of charges without going through the hassles of the actual trial.


Eric Thole, attorney at law, advises not to leave your defense in the hands of a public defender. Meticulously analyzing all the evidence demands time, and it is a crucial task for filling pre-motion. Most public defenders lack quality time. Eric Thole states, focusing on hiring a qualified lawyer to receive a fair trial and a favorable outcome.



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