Experienced Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer

Eric Thole states not to take any drug offense in Minnesota lightly as it can put you in jail for a long, long time. Whether a misdemeanor or first-degree felony punishment, a drug crime cost you dearly in fine ($10,000 to $1 million) and jail time from 4 to a maximum of 30 years. Eric Thole, attorney at law, highlights the most common drug crime charge as possession and sale. Even a fifth-degree penalty attracts 5-years in prison and up to $10,000 in fines. Therefore, even if you are a first-time offender, do not take things lightly. Eric Thole, attorney at law, advises you to hire an experienced drug crime defense lawyer for your case.

Advantages of Hiring An Experienced Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer

1) Provides constant support when you need most

Getting arrested and accused of a crime can be a harrowing experience for you and your close ones. In these stressed situations, any unwise decision can result in an unfavorable state for you. Eric Thole,attorney at law, advises having someone qualified by your side. An experienced drug crime defense lawyer can provide all necessary support and use their intimate knowledge of the law to defend your case. They can view your case from an outside perspective and fight to preserve your rights.

2) Saves valuable time 

If your drug crime charges show a possible prison sentence, you need someone to sort through endless paperwork and understand critical legal distinctions. An experienced drug crime defense lawyer takes care of all these tedious details and allows you to have maximum free time with friends and family.

3) Better financial bet 

Eric Thole agrees that quality criminal defense attorneys don't come cheap. But, if you decide to fight your case yourself, it is more likely you'll lose larger money in the long run as a result of it. Lack of knowledge in legal technicalities and proceedings of the court can complicate your case and land you with hefty fines and prison time, making you lose more money. Therefore, hiring an experienced drug crime defense lawyer is a better financial bet in the long run. 

4) Knowledge of the law

For an average person, legal language can be confusing. In a distressing situation, any inability to interpret the legal language accurately can make your case complex. Eric Thole, attorney at law, suggests hiring an experienced drug crime defense lawyer to prevent such complications. They have years of education and hard work to become a law expert in their field. 

5) Advantage of legal team support

Every defense lawyer has a team of assistants and paralegals to study, analyze, evaluate, and prepare your defense case. Hiring an experienced drug crime defense lawyer means having a small army fighting on your behalf, ready to help with anything to improve the outcome of your case.

6) Determining if your rights got violated

Experienced defense lawyers study all the evidence, documentation, and statements to identify any situation in which your constitutional rights got violated. In cases of a drug crime, such identifications of violations can be the key to walking away with your freedom intact.


 Do not fight your case yourself in court. It might seem like you are saving money, but it'll cost you dearly complicating your case. Eric Thole, attorney at law, advises wisely choosing a drug crime defense lawyer. Consider the experience, previous track record, and success rate (in cases similar to yours) before hiring an attorney. 



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