Consequences that You Have to Face for Marijuana Possession in Minnesota

Minnesota is one of the many states in the US to have decriminalized the possession of small amounts of marijuana. However, it continues to be the most common drug offense prosecuted regularly in the local court system in Minnesota. Eric Thole attorney at law, emphasizes knowing the rules of possession and the potential penalties to avoid unwanted criminal charges.

Marijuana Offenses

There are limits to how much you can possess marijuana at any given time in Minnesota. Eric Thole urges you to remember that decriminalization does not mean you will not face any criminal record. If you get caught with a small amount of marijuana, the police will seize it and give you a ticket. You will not get arrested or detained, but you have to pay a fine.

Your public record will show petty misdemeanor citations or tickets. So, when your employer does a background check, they will know about your marijuana possession impacting your employment record. To avoid any stringent penalties and the stigma of a criminal record, Eric Thole attorney at law, advises you to hire a Minnesota marijuana possession lawyer as soon as possible when you face the charges.

Minnesota Small Amount of Marijuana Possession Law

Under Minnesota Statute § 152.027, the state has decriminalized the personal possession of a 'small amount' of marijuana and considers it a petty misdemeanor to possess less than 42.5 grams. The penalty for it is paying a fine of not more than $200 with no jail time. You can also get sentenced to complete a drug education course.

Additionally, if you get a ticket for possession of a small amount of marijuana, Eric Thole advises discussing strategies with an experienced MN drug possession lawyer. They can help with keeping the offense off of your public record.

Thole Law Firm

Marijuana in Motor Vehicles

There's an exception to the 'small amount' of marijuana law under marijuana in motor vehicles. If you possess more than 1.4 grams of marijuana in a motor vehicle, it becomes a misdemeanor offense. You face a maximum fine of $1,000 and a jail sentence of up to 90 days when convicted. Eric Thole highlights another consequence of marijuana possession in a motor vehicle in Minnesota, i.e., getting your driving license revoked for 30 days.

Minnesota Medical Marijuana

The 2015 Minnesota Medical Marijuana law permits the possession of a 30-day supply of marijuana under strict conditions. Eric Thole highlights you will not face the consequences of marijuana possession in Minnesota if

● A doctor certifies you as suffering from a qualifying condition
● You annually register with the state as a recipient of medical marijuana
● You pay an annual registration fee of $200
● You have access to non-smokable marijuana from a licensed cannabis center
● You own no more than a 30-day personal supply of marijuana

Consequences for Marijuana Possession in Minnesota with Penalty and Fines

● For 42.5 grams or less = Misdemeanor charge, $200 fine, no jail time
● Possessing more than 1.4 grams in a vehicle (outside the trunk) = Misdemeanor charge, $1,000 fine, 90 days in jail
● From 42.5 grams to 10 kg = Felony charge, $10,000 fine, 5 years in prison
● From 10 kg to 50 kg = Felony charge Third Degree, $250,000 fine, 20 years in prison.
● From 50 kg to 100 kg = Felony charge Second Degree, $500,000 fine, 25 years in prison
● More than 100 kg = Felony charge First Degree, $1,000,000 fine, 30 years in prison


When accused of marijuana possession, Eric Thole advises you to seek qualified legal advice immediately. Consulting your options with an MN drug possession lawyer can help you understand your options and avoid pleading guilty or losing your license


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