Internet Sex Crimes Can Lead to Dire Consequences

Have you been charged with Internet sex crimes? Don’t let online sex crime charges turn your life upside down and risk your freedom. By acting immediately, you can start crafting a solid defense and increase your chances of maintaining your freedom. To do that, you may need the expertise of a sex crimes attorney who can look at your case and help construct the best defense possible.

The Thole Law Firm provides people throughout Washington County with a strong, effective legal defense against internet sex crimes. As a result, you can work to overcome your criminal charges and move forward with your life.

Eric Thole knows the evidence and arguments to solve the prosecution’s most robust case. His inside knowledge of the criminal justice system gives clients the edge they require to pursue the best possible resolution of their criminal charges. If police illegally wiretapped your phone, lacked probable cause to search your computer, or failed to inform you of your Miranda rights, he will fight to have your charges thrown out.

To learn more about Internet sex crimes and what you can do if you find yourself charged with a sex crime, then continue reading.

What Types Of Crimes Are Considered Sex Crimes?

Examples of charges involving online sex crimes include:

● The possession, production, and sale of child pornography
● Attempted sexual contact with a minor (this can consist of “cybersex”)
● Online solicitation of a minor

These crimes can be executed via e-mail, instant messaging, social networking sites, and other internet-based communication platforms.

Internet Sex Crime Penalties

The nature of an online sex crime's legal punishment depends on the offense's circumstances, but the penalties are universally severe. Some of the typical penalties can include:

● A person condemned for a misdemeanor computer-based sex crime can face a minimum penalty of two years behind bars.
● Many Internet sex crime convictions need the convicted person to register as a sex criminal. This registration can last for the duration of the convicted person's life.
● A federal or felony criminal conviction for cybersex crimes can carry a sentence of up to 20 years in jail and up to $10,000 in fines.
● Some online sex crime convictions need the convicted person to attend sex offender counseling and undergo community supervision for a specified time.

Eric Thole Attorney at Law can act as a buffer during criminal investigations to protect your constitutional rights and limit the prosecution’s ability to build their cases. He doesn’t wait until trial to begin crafting a solid defense. As a pretrial strategy, he often recommends clients work with Internet behavioral counselors to treat cybersex addiction. Moreover, he uses this in negotiations with the prosecution to showcase clients’ willingness to cooperate, lessen charges and avoid jail time.

In the face of such dire consequences, you need an aggressive and highly-qualified defense lawyer like Eric Thole. He is an internet sex crime attorney who has many years of experience. He will work together to provide you with the comprehensive legal assistance and representation you need to fight these charges


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