Facts About White-collar Crimes

“Every year, white-collar crimes cost over $400 billion to US organizations.” 

White-collar crimes happen virtually every day on some level. Employees might right an unauthorized check to themselves or to their spouse. Employees can use business funds for personal expenses such as paying for an event (could be anything). Many people who commit white-collar crime justify their actions by saying that they’ll pay the money back, but almost no one ever does.
  • The most costly abuses tend to occur in organizations that have less than 100 employees.

  • Losses caused by managers are 4x the amount, on average, of those caused by employees.

  • On average, every the company loses over $9 per employee every day to fraud and abuse.

  • The average company in the United States loses about 6% of its total annual revenue to a white-collar crime that is committed by its own employees.

  • Men commit nearly 75% of the offenses and cost the company about 4x the amount in white-collar crime costs than women who commit a crime.

  • The typical the perpetrator is a college-educated white male who is working in some form of real estate.

  • A higher the proportion of white-collar offenders are female compared to other offender types.

  • Executives are 16 times more responsible for median business losses as compared to employees.

The cost of white-collar crimes is enormous in the US. The US government is taking serious actions to control white-collar crimes.

If you get charged with white-collar crime, you may end up in jail or might need to pay hefty fines. Probation and restitution are the most likely outcome.

What to do if you get charged with white-collar crimes?
White-collar crimes are serious crimes and you must take them seriously. If you’re guilty, you may have to pay a hefty price. These charges can ruin your reputation and there are chances that you’ll not get a job anywhere else.
If you get charged with white-collar crimes, contact Mr. EricThole attorney at law as soon as possible. Attorney Eric Thole has served Washington County for eight years as a criminal prosecutor. He is well regarded for his honest and dedicated criminal representation. Contact Mr. Eric Tholehere


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